Cloud enabled archive, tiering and re-purposing tools designed to lower costs and streamline re-use.

Archiving is a de-facto practice across organizations.

Primary purpose is offloading to a lower cost and/or long- term storage e.g., LTO, Disk and Cloud (via Object).

Two Main Forms of Archiving

DNAfabric features a comprehensive asset and data management toolset that can help you tag, search and retrieve without a MAM

  • Browse & Search Across NAS, Cloud, Object

Indexer and scanner creates a browsable and searchable index across NAS, object and tape – across sites

  • Storage Analysis Across NAS, Cloud, Object

Storage analysis engine creates summarized metrics across files and object stores

  • Create Metadata Templates & Tag Content

Advanced MAM capabilities with metadata templates, tagging, search and browse views

  • Proxy Creation and Link to Frame.IO for Viewing

Seamless proxy creation and link to Frame.IO for proxy viewing , remote collaboration and editorial

  • Media De-Duplication

Enables the first media de-duplication engine allowing for data removal and space reclamation

  • Archive & Tier to Disk, Cloud, LTO

Flexibility to archive to disk, object and tape – across multiple sites

DNAfabric features a comprehensive asset and data management toolset that can help you tag, search and retrieve without a MAM

  • Browse & Search Across NAS, Cloud, Object

Indexer and scanner creates a browsable and searchable index across NAS, object and tape – across sites.

  • Storage Analysis Across NAS, Cloud, Object

Storage analysis engine creates summarized metrics across files and object stores.

  • Create Metadata Templates & Tag Content

Advanced MAM capabilities with metadata templates, tagging, search and browse views.

  • Proxy Creation and Link to Frame.IO for Viewing

Seamless proxy creation and link to Frame.IO for proxy viewing , remote collaboration and editorial.

  • Media De-Duplication

Enables the first media de-duplication engine allowing for data removal and space reclamation.

  • Archive & Tier to Disk, Cloud, LTO

Flexibility to archive to disk, object and tape – across multiple sites.