About Frame.io
Frame.io has emerged as a leader in cloud-based review, approval and collaboration. It provides unparalleled levels of simplicity for creative teams who need to work together.
About StorageDNA’s DNAfabric
DNAfabric is a wide area, data management platform. With DNAfabric, users can visualize and mobilize data across a multitude of on-premise and cloud storage environments.
The Integration
Enterprise Cloud
Migrate, sync 3rd party enterprise cloud providers to Frame.io
Consumer Cloud
Migrate, sync 3rd party consumer cloud providers to Frame.io
Creative Applications
Backup, archive, tier and conform Adobe, Avid, AAF, Folders, Workspaces to Frame.io
Sync, Backup, Archive on-premise or remote NAS/SAN storage to Frame.io
We at StorageDNA are happy to announce our integration with Frame.io – an enterprise connector for Frame.io. With the integration of DNAfabric and Frame.io, we enable enterprise connectivity including faster file transfers and uploads between enterprise storage platforms (NAS/SAN, DAS), other cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google, Dropbox, Box etc.) and Frame.io. DNAfabric powers numerous creative workflows to Frame.io including backup, archive, tiering, replication, migration and conforming.
Enterprise Transfers to Frame.io
DNAfabric provides connectivity between enterprise storage (NAS/SAN), 3rd party cloud storage providers (e.g. AWS S3, Azure, Google Cloud, Backblaze, Wasabi, Google Drive, Dropbox etc.) and Frame.io. With DNAfabric, data from a variety of on-premise storage, 3rd party cloud providers can be synced, transferred and uploaded to Frame.io.
NAS/SAN to Frame.io
What it does
DNAfabric can sync any enterprise NAS/SAN to Frame.io.
How it works
Replace manual uploads via the desktop client with DNAfabric automation and watch folder based transfers and uploads to Frame.io. Agents connect to, monitor (via an open mount-point) and incrementally sync any NFS/CIFS or shared file-system including Avid Nexis, Isilon, Qumulo, Editshare.
- Enterprise NAS/SAN to Frame.io (Avid Nexis, Qumulo, Isilon, Netapp, Stornext, Editshare, SNS Evo, Scale Logic etc.) to Frame.io
- Consumer NAS/SAN (Synology, Qnap, HDDs, Camera Cards) to Frame.io
Key workflows
- Sync data for workflows (lo-res/proxy etc.) from on-prem stores to Frame.io
- Migrate data from on-premise hard drives, nearline and archive to Frame.io
3rd Party Cloud to Frame.io
What it does
DNAfabric can sync 3rd party cloud storage to Frame.io.
How it works
- DNAfabric agents connect to, monitor and incrementally sync cloud stores to Frame.io.
- DNAfabric can sync and transfer files and data on a schedule with policies from any of the following cloud providers to Frame.io.
- Hyperscale cloud (AWS S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud) to Frame.io
- Storage cloud (Backblaze, Wasabi) to Frame.io
- Consumer cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive) to Frame.io
Key workflows
- Sync data for workflows from other clouds to Frame.io
- Migrate data from other clouds to Frame.io
Avid, Adobe to Frame.io
What it does
DNAfabric can sync Avid projects, Adobe projects and AAF constructs to Frame.io.
How it works
- DNAfabric agents enable intelligent uploading to Frame.io with the ability to parse media from Avid Media Composer (bins, projects), Adobe Premiere projects and AAFs to Frame.io. Additionally, ALE, EDL are supported for conforms enabling selective retrieval of content from Frame.io.
- Avid Project, Bin Parsing and Media Upload to Frame.io
- Adobe Premiere Project Parsing and Media Upload to Frame.io
- AAF Parsing and Media Upload to Frame.io
- ALE (Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere) Based Conforms/Retrieves from Frame.io
Key workflows
- Sync Avid, Adobe work-in-progress bins, projects, sequences
- Archive finished projects with media and metadata
- Conform selectively via ALE, EDL
On-Premise and Archive Index with Frame.io (Availability Q1, 2021)
In addition to synchronizing data to Frame.io, DNAfabric can index on-premise storage while creating a proxy view in Frame.io. DNAfabric can additionally perform a hybrid archive, syncing original/hi-res assets to on-premise disk, 3rd party cloud service providers (e.g. AWS S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud) while syncing proxies to Frame.io.
Index On-Premise Data Stores to Frame.io (Beta)
What it does
DNAfabric can index on-premise storage including NAS/SAN, hard drives and camera cards while creating a searchable, proxy view in Frame.io.
How it works
DNAfabric agents connect to on-premise data stores across one or more locations. Once connected, DNAfabric can index, link proxies (*) and create a proxy view that matches the on-premise folder structure in Frame.io.
(* Proxies must be created by a 3rd party transcoder e.g. Adobe Media Encoder)
- Index Enterprise NAS/SAN to Frame.io (Avid Nexis, Qumulo, Isilon, Netapp, Stornext, Editshare, SNS, Scale Logic etc.) to Frame.io
- Index Consumer NAS/SAN (Synology, Qnap, HDDs, Camera Cards) to Frame.io
Key workflows
- Hybrid MAM across all your on-premise and remote data stores
- Index on-premise hard drive or disk-based archive with a proxy view in Frame.io
Hybrid Cloud Archive with AWS, Azure, Google and Frame.io (Beta)
What it does
DNAfabric enables a hybrid archive workflow, where hi-res/original assets are synced to on-premise disk/object and proxies are synced to Frame.io.
How it works
DNAfabric agents can archive and tier on-premise data to disk/object or 3rd party cloud providers including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud while creating a proxy view (*) in Frame.io. This hybrid model enables low cost, deep storage in long term cloud providers while enabling a rich, proxy view in Frame.io.
(* Proxies must be created by a 3rd party transcoder e.g. Adobe Media Encoder)
- Hi-res to Hyperscaler cloud (AWS S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud), Proxy to Frame.io
- Hi-res to Storage cloud (Backblaze, Wasabi), Proxy to Frame.io
- Hi-res to Consumer cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive), Proxy to Frame.io
Key workflows
Hybrid cloud archive with best of cost, search and proxy view.