Data needs to be taken care of just like your health. There are a plethora of ways in which data loss could occur, so businesses need to be fully prepared to avoid it. Also, in today’s digital age, protecting your data from hackers is of paramount importance. All businesses must be prepared to deal with data loss and they must have a trustworthy backup plan which would help them in protecting and retrieving the data.
Protection Against Ransomware – Avid Nexis Storage Backup
How can it happen?
Anyone can lose data due to ransomware attacks that work behind the scenes silently encrypting your files. One of the main problems with ransomware is that the backup applications often replicate the encrypted files as well.
How to protect against it?
In order to be fully protected against ransomware attacks, it is very important to make regular full-backups or replicate changes to an isolated network and a read-only target with snapshots. While, traditional full backups will give you the ability to restore back to a previous point in time, replicating with snapshots gives you the ability to “rollback” to a previous snapshot quickly and be up and running without long restores.
Did you know? DNAfabric enables replication and snapshots of your Avid Nexis to any secondary storage to protect against ransomware attacks.
Read More: StorageDNA and Avid Data Management
Protection Against Operator Error or Malicious Intent – Avid Nexis Storage Backup
How can it happen?
More than malicious intent, users often accidentally delete, render or consolidate data. This can result in data loss as well as the considerable loss of time and productivity often requiring re-ingests of media.
How to protect against it?
Similar to protecting against data loss through ransomware, this error case is also best protected against by using replication with snapshots. A second instantly accessible replica copy provides not only a fast way to recover from ransomware attacks but also accidental or intentional user errors.
Did you know? DNAfabric enables replication and snapshots of your Avid Nexis to any secondary storage to protect against accidental deletions or malicious acts.
Protection Against Storage Failures and Data Corruption – Avid Nexis Storage Backup
How can it happen?
Storage failures and accidental corruption (both on data and metadata) are not uncommon. In fact, any time you upgrade the software on your storage platform, you are susceptible to data corruption. Storage failures are obvious but silent corruption can often only be detected when data access fails.
How to protect against it?
Regular replication with snapshots to a secondary target enables a secondary protected copy of your data. In case of storage failure or silent corruption, data from the secondary store can be quickly accessed.
Did you know? DNAfabric protects against entire storage failures and file corruption by keeping ready to access secondary copy.
Related Article: Avid Nexis Migration: Top Challenges & Solutions
Protection Against Site-wide Disasters – Avid Nexis Storage Backup
How can it happen?
Despite having the strongest on-premise data backup and protection, your storage and data is at serious risk if you do not have a secondary, remote copy of your data. In the absence of this second copy, a site disaster e.g. fire, outages, earthquakes can completely wipe out your storage and data.
How to protect against it?
Keeping a second, remote copy of your storage either at a second location or in the cloud is a sure way to protect against any sort of site disaster. It is important to keep a second copy on a target location in a completely different geo-profile as well.
Did you know? DNAfabric can incrementally replicate an Avid Nexis to a secondary Avid Nexis or 3rd party storage via UDP acceleration to a remote site or to a cloud provider of choice. This enables rapid recovery and failover in case of a primary site failure.
It may seem hard to find a software solution that can protect your data from ransomware threats, operator errors, malicious intent, storage failures, data corruption, and site-wide disasters. DNAfabric is a one-stop threat deterrent platform from a number of challenges. Curious to see DNAfabric in action?
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